Knights’ Blog

The official blog of the Knights of the
Holy Eucharist

Sitting at the School of Mary

The Rosary is an incredibly amazing prayer. Let’s listen to what several saints have said about this spiritual weapon: “The Rosary, though clearly Marian in character, is at heart a Christocentric prayer. In the sobriety

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Rejoicing with Our Mother Mary

During most of the year, it is traditional to pray the Angelus at 6 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m. But during the Easter season, the Regina Caeli replaces the Angelus. Both prayers honor our Blessed

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Praying as Jesus Taught Us

The Lord’s Prayer (the Our Father) was taught by Jesus Christ Himself (Matthew 6:9-13). What a beautiful prayer–and how amazing to address God the Father as “Our Father”! At every Holy Mass we pray the

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“To Thee Do I Cry!”

Sometimes it’s hard just to get through the day. Many times we’re “only” dealing with the multiple annoyances and inconveniences of life, but other times we’re faced with difficult situations, suffering, and even tragedies. What

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“A Marian Prayer Par Excellence”

The Hail Mary is one of the basic prayers that Catholics know and love. It is one of the prayers of the Rosary. Regarding the Hail Mary, Pope St. John Paul II tells us in

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Pray for Us, O Holy Mother of God!

As we walk through this valley of tears, Mary is our mother. At times our personal situation or that of the world at large can seem hopeless, but we can take heart, knowing that Christ

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God’s Special Gift – Guardian Angel

Our own personal guardian angels to help us on our way to heaven are unbelievably wonderful gifts from God! Just think: your guardian angel is always with you! “Ask your angel to console and assist

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Let us Praise the Holy Trinity!

We all should get into the habit of praising God throughout the day, in accord with St. Paul’s exhortation to “pray constantly” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The Glory Be is one great way to praise the

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Eat and Drink to the Glory of God

St. Paul tells us “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Eating and drinking are common to all of us, and isn’t

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Angelus Prayer

Maybe you’re thinking that you’d like to add more prayer times to your day, but you don’t know how to do it since you have a busy life. How about the Angelus? This venerable prayer,

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Express Your Sorrow for Sin

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us

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Desiring to Receive Our Lord in Holy Communion

Maybe you work long hours. Maybe you’re a stay-at-home mom with little ones. Maybe you’re dealing with an illness. Maybe you can’t sIeep at night. These are just a few of the situations when you

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Making Reparation to Our Lord

Have you ever stopped to think about what sin really is? Any sin–whether mortal or venial–offends God, and we should make reparation to him for our sins and those of others. Ways we can make

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Act of Love by St. John Marie Vianney

In his famous passage on love (charity), St. Paul tells us: “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

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Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity

In our busy lives when it can be all too easy to lose sight of God, it is helpful to memorize a number of short prayers that we can pray when we have a spare

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Show Your Love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

The First Friday of every month is a day when we traditionally honor the Sacred Heart. Our Lord told St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: “I promise you in the unfath­omable mercy of My Heart that My

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To Jesus through Mary!

Mary our Mother’s mission is to lead us safely to Heaven to be with the Holy Trinity forever and ever. “Devotion to the Blessed Virgin in no way detracts from the Glory of God. Rather,

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Look to Mary and find your knighthood!

Longing for a mission? Look to Mary and find your knighthood! Each knight battles the enemy despite all odds to preserve the dignity of a fair maiden. For us that is in a general sense

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Sacred Art and The Springtime of Faith

There is something about Easter glory that draws us to look at sacred art and the ‘snapshot’ of faith which it strives to capture. As spring unfolds in the Northern Hemisphere this rare painting (above)

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Crown Mary in Your Heart

May is the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is spring and a new beginning. Crown Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, crown her in your heart and allow her gentle loving rule to bring

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Help Make Our Lady Known and Loved!

Do you want to help make Our Blessed Mother known and loved? Enroll today in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, and join the worldwide “Bridge of Rosaries”! To learn more, visit Holy

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This Lent, Give Up … Yourself!

Sometimes—make that often!—it is so difficult to come to grips with the fact that we aren’t in control—that we can’t control our circumstances, what others do, what happens in our families, what happens in our

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Lenten Prayer of St. Ephrem

This short but meaningful prayer by St. Ephrem of Syria, deacon (c. 306-373) is still used by both the Byzantine Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church during Lent. You can pray this whenever you’d like,

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