Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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For health and to be able to pay off all debt, own a house, and have no financial stress.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-26-2024 - 11:15:25 PM
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For health, peace, and joy.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-26-2024 - 11:13:59 PM
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For peace over a situation.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-26-2024 - 11:13:09 PM
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General & all

Dear Lord please draw us closer to You.Thank You for blessings gifts graces answered & unanswered prayers.We pray for this ministry supporters requests here.Father Son & Holy Spirit Holy Family Jesus Mary St. Joseph Angels saints intercessors holy helpers please ask God to surround us all with His all encompassing compassionate healing love help us fulfill our vocation.M-B-lineage living ourselves children Sandi Bobby Theresa grandkids aunts uncles cousins Grandmas & Grandpas A & B families relatives friends… all who are now or have been a part of our lives asked our prayer have no one to pray with or for them.Grant a holy peace filled death to those to die this day.Repose our departed loved ones M-B lineage Dad Mom Kim Karen George families relatives friends Paul Jim Alberto Hermie those who have no one to pray for them & all.Free the holy souls in Purgatory.Thank you.JMJ+

Prayer Requested By: L, 07-26-2024 - 2:16:09 PM
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Please pray for work. Finances. Hebrew everythings. May we be virgins on our wedding day. Prayer about everything. Purity. Our futures. MINISTRY. ISRAEL. FRIENDS. Delivered and made into all You love, AHAVA. A time with GOD over what He loves, infinite times done. All these prayer meetings in now. Scripture us. Tummies. ABBA us. Marriage and children, pregnancy.. THANK YOU ABBA love you all.

Prayer Requested By: Simone Blanche, 07-26-2024 - 5:07:44 AM
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I pray for health, peace, and joy.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-26-2024 - 1:01:56 AM
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Daniel DeAngelis

Mercy and pardon by the merits of the holy wounds.

Prayer Requested By: Dominic, 07-26-2024 - 12:07:54 AM
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Please pray for God to provide me with gas money.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 9:07:52 PM
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Please pray for Jesus to answer my prayers.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 9:02:53 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to protect American chaplains against relentless attempts of the Devil to silence Christianity where it matters most.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 8:44:08 PM
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Please pray for Americans to trust God the Father to provide. Please pray for God the Father to forgive Americans and help every American family become debt-free.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 8:39:07 PM
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Please pray for people to enter heaven.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 8:35:11 PM
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Please pray for God to make $10 bills appear on the ground now. Please pray for God to lay $10 bills on the ground now.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 8:32:29 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to provide financial miracles today in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 8:24:45 PM
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Financial Blessings

Please pray for God the Father to rain financial blessings in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 8:22:00 PM
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Please pray for Muslims to find closeness with God through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 8:20:13 PM
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Please pray for God to answer my prayers in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-25-2024 - 8:07:45 PM
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Please pray for my heart and emotions concerning women

Im unsure as to what to say again. It seems as though God is really doing something in my life with how I see women and sexual immorality. His movements are so uncomfortable and my heart and body feel as though they are broken and in shambles. I would appreciate prayer if you don’t mind for my body and life and emotions and anger. I’m angry with God and other people. Thank you

Prayer Requested By: Brandon, 07-25-2024 - 6:27:17 PM
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General Prayer for myself and family

For my family to grow closer to God, for me to be a good provider financially as we are on one income as my wife is home with the kids. For my to be a teacher who leads the students closer to God and lastly to be a good wrestling coach.

Prayer Requested By: Adam, 07-25-2024 - 6:26:51 PM
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Son studying for state bar exam

He is so anxious. I pray for calm and productive studying.

Prayer Requested By: Lisa Meyer, 07-25-2024 - 6:17:52 PM
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