The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.
Latest Prayers
Prayer for a special intention.
I pray to pay off all debt, own a house my boyfriend and I love and gives peace, and to have enough money to not have to worry about financial stress and to be able to gracious help others with the money.
I pray for my boyfriend and I to have perfect health, peace, and joy
Urgent Pray Request
URGENT PRAYER REQUEST – Please Saint Bernadette intercede to The Immaculate Conception please pray for a sweet 7-year-old; Sutton who was diagnosed with Leukemia. Sutton is the oldest of 5. A new baby was born the day after the diagnosis of Sutton. BY THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS we pray. Thank you.
brother-in-law Aaron Lambright
My brother-in-law Aaron is trying to rekindle his relationship with our LORD but his wife is making it difficult for him as she is not Christian. He wants to lead his family to Christ but is struggling to do so. I’ve been praying for St. Joseph’s intercession that Aaron be granted the wisdom, courage, and humility to be able to lead both his wife and his children to know our LORD.
my brother, Andrew Joseph Boles
So my brother Andy, unfortunately has been away from his faith for a while now. I have been praying that Mother Mary will lead him back to her son, Jesus, as she did for me. He is discerning where his next chapter in life should take him. Whether to marry the woman he is currently dating and move in with her. He is also thinking about transferring job locations to be closer with our father who is sick. I know he is struggling on where he is supposed to be and what he’s supposed to do with his life. I pray often that he comes back in communion with our LORD, and that he allows the Holy Spirit to guide him in his decisions.
*B.E.L.I.E.F.S. from P.U.S.H.E.S.!*
* BECAUSE EMMANUEL LIVES, I EXPECT FAVORS SPIRITUALLY-SUDDENLY from PRAYING UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS EXTRAORDINARILY SPIRITUAL!*; this very Mon. Jan. 13, 2025; fruition begin. now @ this near 8 am hr.; esp. collect. & dep. the proceeds from IL lotto contest drawing 2’da; & receiving a call, E-mail, text, or visit from FCG; so we can finally divulge the truth about the entire situation; the 1 he huffily or frustrated walked away from;
I pray for a special intention.
I pray to be able to lay off all debt, own a home that is peaceful, and be financially blessed to where I don’t have to worry about working but can bless others.
I pray for my boyfriend and I to have perfect health, peace, and joy
Blessed Lord
Signore Dio purifica l’albero genealogico delle famiglie Pancrazi, Boschieri e Borzacchiello. Signore Dio fa che io, Alessandro Pancrazi, mi sposi presto in chiesa con la donna che tu Signore Dio hai scelto come mia moglie.Fa Signore Dio che siamo sempre santi e obbedienti ai tuoi comandamenti Signore Dio, che siamo sempre benedetti in tutto con tutte le tue benedizioni Signore Dio.
Fa Signore Dio che Michele Rossetti sia sempre il mio santo fratello accompagnatore.
Fa Signore Dio che il mio gemello Francesco faccia il miglior percorso di guarigione e di vita. Signore Dio preserva sempre me e la mia famiglia dai tumori, dai nei, dagli ictus, dalle emorragie, dalla guerra, dalle pazzie e dai mali morali.
Fa Signore Dio che siamo sempre più benedetti, giusti, caritatevoli, santi, sani di mente e protetti. Lord, heal Stefano completely from pancreatic cancer. Thank you Lord!
Please pray for God to heal my son of hoarding. Amen.
Family issues
Prayer for my mother who has heavy depression, for her health and protection. Prayer for me to be protected from my father and for me to have a good relationship with my parents if possible