Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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Lost of business

Dear brothers and sisters, I was doing business before last two years. I had my own Browsing Center but had to close it down due to some personal reasons and loss of business. After that a brahmin girl came and asked to rent that shop, I gave that shop, but now that girl is doing all kinds of evil things like teaching my mother and my wife all things related to other gods, please leave that shop forever. I am passionate about this idea of ​​starting my shop again in my own shop. The girl’s name is Rajalakshmi. Please pray that I can have my own shop and business again soon

Prayer Requested By: Johnaruldoss, 10-15-2024 - 4:26:10 AM
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Dear Lord/Mother Mary. Asking for an urgently needed miracle for Ben L. He is overseas working with a work injury (broken leg/possible fever now). Construction job is not completed, and company who hired him will not provide payment until job is complete No money to pay this Denmark hospital for his needed leg surgery. This hospital is now planning on discharging him w/o any treatment. He is alone and no one to help him. Please help and advise. IJN. Amen and thank-you for what you are doing, and going to do.

Prayer Requested By: Mary Kalin, 10-14-2024 - 9:00:03 PM
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time management/ get over divorce

I strong feelings for a woman who I am dating, Melanie. However, I am still hurting from my divorce from almost 3 years ago when my ex-wife who had an affair while we were married. It is hard for me to be in a relationship with a woman again. Melanie is a great Christian woman the Lord has blessed me with. At 50, I am slacking and not doing my part as a man and treating Melanie properly, and I need to let go of my hurt from the past (ex-wife) and move on. Please pray for repentance covering all that was done through my divorce so that I can move on. I pray my family, espically my son Carter will accept Melanie. Overall, I pray for my heart to heal and love fully again, and to spend more time with Melanie.

Prayer Requested By: Adam Burles, 10-14-2024 - 11:15:23 AM
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Protection or family

Prayer to strengthen me and my family from plots of the evil one. Lord, deliver us from evil. Break all strongholds and addictions. Keep us from walking into places where we will be tempted to stray from the Lord. Help us to follow His Word, and to guard our hearts from wickedness. Send the Holy Spirit to help us discern when someone comes to us with ill-intent. Deliver us from our evil instincts, from the evil in this fallen world, and from the evil of Satan. Keep us safe from evil. God Bless.

Prayer Requested By: Tamara, 10-14-2024 - 9:32:14 AM
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Lost sheep

I humbly request that the priest may pray for those in my family who have left the Church.

Prayer Requested By: Alfredo, 10-14-2024 - 8:02:17 AM
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A miracle of healing for Erica

For the healing of Erica’s terminal cancer and, if that isn’t God’s will, that her last earthly chapter will be as painless and as peaceful as possible. Also for an abundance of blessings of strength, courage, and peace for Erica and her young family as they face this together.

Prayer Requested By: Anonymous, 10-14-2024 - 7:11:35 AM
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Please pray for Jordan mom who has cancer

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 10-14-2024 - 6:00:08 AM
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Please st joseph grant my novena prays to your holy cloak 30 days help my son and girls me my husband here our prays thank you st joseph for all my graces let us find the money we need to buy our house pay our bills and my son Terry to buy his house thank you xx

Prayer Requested By: Trisha, 10-14-2024 - 3:27:59 AM
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Please Heavenly Father Bless me with your favor and Will into my life!!!

Dear Heavenly Father,


Please… FATHER, Protect me in these next coming day’s weeks, month’s and year’s. Father Order my footsteps grant me unspeakable FAITH LOVE JOY GRACE and MERCY. Enlarge my Coast and Territories….

unspeakable Happiness and Marriage. I ASK and RECEIVE these things … IN JESUS MIGHTY HOLY AND MAGNIFICENT NAME….AMEN AMEN AND AMEN!!!

Prayer Requested By: Margaret Lawson, 10-14-2024 - 1:13:02 AM
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Blessed Lord

Signore Dio purifica l’albero genealogico delle famiglie Pancrazi, Boschieri e Borzacchiello. Signore Dio fa che io, Alessandro Pancrazi, mi sposi presto in chiesa con la donna che tu Signore Dio hai scelto come mia moglie.Fa Signore Dio che siamo sempre santi e obbedienti ai tuoi comandamenti Signore Dio, che siamo sempre benedetti in tutto con tutte le tue benedizioni Signore Dio.
Fa Signore Dio che Michele Rossetti sia sempre il mio santo fratello accompagnatore.
Fa Signore Dio che il mio gemello Francesco faccia il miglior percorso di guarigione e di vita. Signore Dio preserva sempre me e la mia famiglia dai tumori, dai nei, dagli ictus, dalle emorragie, dalla guerra, dalle pazzie e dai mali morali.
Fa Signore Dio che siamo sempre più benedetti, giusti, caritatevoli, santi, sani di mente e protetti. Grazie Signore Dio benedetto.

Prayer Requested By: Alessandro Pancrazi, 10-14-2024 - 12:16:22 AM
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Urgent prayer need

Please pray that Brian Pearson can get his vehicle fixed inexpensively as it is needed transportation. Pray for his safe traveling and have peace of mind.

Prayer Requested By: M A, 10-13-2024 - 4:24:20 PM
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A prayer for financial breakthrough, healing,family,health and well heing

Heavenly Father,
I seek Your favor in my financial situation, as I am currently in debt and facing pressure from creditors demanding repayment. My salary has been allocated to settle a loan with the savings and credit cooperative.
I ask for wisdom as a single mother, seeking guidance to navigate and confront any challenges that arise.
I pray for tranquility in my workplace, which is currently toxic. I request Your protection and the ability to meet my deadlines effectively.
I lift up my mother, who is unwell with wounds on her legs; I pray for her healing and for her blood pressure to stabilize.
I also pray for the success of my mother’s succession court case, that it may conclude favorably, allowing her to enjoy her properties for many years to come.
May my father continue to rest in eternal peace.
For my son, Jessy, I pray that he excels in his exams and grows to be a God-fearing, successful, and independent individual. May he be blessed and kept safe.
I pray for myself, as I have been feeling anger towards my past actions and the lack of support I have received despite my efforts to help family members in their times of need. Lord, please heal my heart, alleviate my disappointments, and fill me with joy and happiness. I also ask for good health and a long life.
Lastly, I pray for my brother, whose actions have caused distress to my mother and negatively impacted her health due to his struggles with alcohol, drug addiction, and theft. May Your will be done in his life.

Prayer Requested By: Betty Meeme, 10-13-2024 - 3:30:11 PM
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Ninie Bautista-Rest in Peace

Please pray for my sister, Ninie Bautista; she died last October 11, 2024 (breast cancer);
please dear lord Jesus Christ, pls forgive us all for all the sins that we have all committed;
we are all so sorry; please help us all not to commit sins. Please St Michael and all the holy angels, please be with my sister right now and accompany her into the gates of heaven; please don’t leave her & please give us all the strength, courage and trust and faith in God especially Irene Bautista, her daughter and her husband, Rey Bautista in this time of her passing including me too. We thank you for all. We ask all of these in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord..amen

Prayer Requested By: beth cabrera, 10-13-2024 - 12:29:16 PM
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personal request

Pls pray for me that I get a project soon. Have been without a project for 3.5 months at work, I need work soon. Also, please pray my friendship is restored with my bestie Rajesh which was spoilt because of a third person. Pray that the third person is out of Rajesh’s sight, mind & life soon.

Prayer Requested By: meryl gracias, 10-13-2024 - 10:39:40 AM
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Complete blessings

Greetings in Jesus’ name.
I’m Sameet Khalidy from Jhansi, India.
Please pray for me I’m unemployed, jobless from long time. Pray that I may be free from anxiety, worry, fear, stress or overthinking. I have OCD too. Pray for my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing. Pray that I may be filled with holy spirit and be covered by the precious blood of Jesus. Pray that I might not sin but be free from all the bondages, evil attacks or domonic power or any curses.
Pray for my growth, prosperity, wisdom, success, understanding.
Pray for complete protection of me and my family that we may be safe and secure. Pray that I may be faithful, believing and trusting in Lord Jesus’. Pray for relationship restoration and that I may be renewed; with each passing day I may grow in Jesus Christ.
Pray for peace, love in my life. Pray that whatever we earn should multiply. Pray for miracles that I may glorify and praise him throughout my life.

Prayer Requested By: Sameet Khaldy, 10-13-2024 - 6:58:08 AM
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Please pray for those who are homeless. Please pray for God the Father to protect those who are homeless and provide for those who are homeless.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 10-12-2024 - 6:21:32 PM
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Please pray for hearts to be softened.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 10-12-2024 - 6:19:32 PM
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Please pray for the complete miraculous healing of my dad  from his sickness and that I may be financially stable according to God’s will.

Please pray for the generational and family tree healing of Jumarang, Pisico, Sayco, Villanueva and Baldoz clans.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 10-12-2024 - 4:17:30 PM
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Please pray for the salvation or eternal repose of the following souls:

Simplicio Pisico
Ursula Pisico
Jorge Jumarang
Velia Jumarang
Romulo Villanueva
Gloria Baldoz
Daniel Sayco
Danny Pisico
Maria Villanueva
Amado Villanueva
Maria Minda Jumarang
Ariel Villanueva
Melitona Pisico
Baby Boy Recto
Laureana Villanueva
Francisco Pisico
Ernesto Villanueva
Miguel Villanueva
Felomeno Canta
Zoey Louise Sayco
Vicente Baldoz
Teresita Pisico
Angela Tampog
Conrado Yazon
Rizabel Baldoz
Imelda  Baldoz
Carmencita Umali
Roselito Eguia
Aldrin Ortilla
Rogelio Marasigan
Noel Caraan
Corazon Pisico
Maribel Carurucan
Reynaldo Umali
Jose Tomas de Leon
Lamberto Tanyang
Melchor Pisico
Elisea Angeles
Anthony Trinos
Bibiano Baldoz

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 10-12-2024 - 4:09:11 PM
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Prayer Request to get job

Dear Brother/ sister

I am unemployed for so long. I have applied for clerical post in UCO Bank, kindly pray for me to get this job and get posting in nayagarh branch.

Prayer Requested By: Ashok Mishra, 10-12-2024 - 10:47:19 AM
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